DEUX Magazine

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From Dundas With Love

by Linda Bezos

Russian influence is everywhere at this point. From Syria to the voting booths of America. But fashion has been one area where that influence exists in a limited dosage for better or for worse. Apart from few native Russian designers, russian aesthetic doesn't have a leg to stand on in the big four. Insert Peter Dundas who with the help of Natasha Poly delved into the Russian aesthetics with charmingly superficial way. Peter's work needs no introduction, his previous three collections were/are as solid as they come. So to expect anything different in terms of this would be silly. But the introduction of this orientalist understanding of Russian aesthetics has a wonderfully intriguing element that has rarely been explored when it comes to Russian fashion. The western European sense of style and proportions meets the intricacies of Russian whimsy and provocativeness. To call this collection anything less than getting your feet wet with an ethereal understanding of russian fashion would be unfair, to call this collection brilliant for the same reason would be perfectly accurate.